We help you stay focused on your priorities so that you can achieve the best outcome for all parties involved. We keep you informed and educated you, so you understand your options and the process that you are going through. Should you settle or litigate? We strategically guide you and help you to make informed decisions to achieve the best outcome you want.
We handle a wide range of cases, ensuring you have the right team to support you during your divorce is critical. Our Practice focuses on the following types of cases:
Complex High-Asset Cases
Decided in court, involving asset division and business interests such as venture capital, startups, private equity, and real estate. Read more about complex high asset cases:
Asset Division >
Complex Divorce >
High Conflict Cases
Decided in court, including domestic violence, child custody, support, visitation, and parentage. Read more about high conflict cases:
Child Custody >
Child Support >
Domestic Violence >
Parentage >
Spousal Support >
Amicable Agreements
We can settle out of court, including Postnuptial Agreements and Prenuptial Agreements. Read more about amicable agreements:
Prenuptial Agreements >
Postnuptial Agreements >
When you come in for your initial consultation with one of our San Francisco divorce attorneys at DeLacey, Riebel & Shindell, LLP, we will discuss the particulars of your case and help you to understand how California's spousal support laws would likely work in your situation. To schedule your appointment with a lawyer, call our firm at 415-528-7000 to start the process.